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Alex Turnbulll

Alex Turnbulll

Alex Turnbulll


My Three Loves… Family, friends and food!


I’ve worked in property for almost 10 years in companies such as Foxtons and Douglas & Gordon and have specialised in initial inception, build and expansion of Business Development and New Homes Departments.


In My Spare Time… I’d love to say I’m madly into fitness and reading or something interesting... but you’re more likely to see me relaxing on the sofa with a good bottle of wine. If not you might find me in the kitchen as I love to cook! I’m also really into sport, so on the weekends I’ll be watching the Formula 1, Cricket or Football (Up the mighty Royals!).


What I Love About Genum… The people. We spend our days recruiting great people and I’m fortunate to also be working with a really high calibre, friendly team.


Favourite Quotes:

‘Good Judgement comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgement. (Will Rogers)

‘The journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step’ (Lao Tzu)

‘If you can dream it you can do it!’ (Walt Disney)