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What is the Postcode of Life?

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Ben Janes

What is the Postcode of Life?

I have personally found the hardest questions to ask myself when looking to make a change in my career are…

  1. What do I want from my life and career?

  2. Am I going to accept what I have or aim for the stars?

  3. Do I really know what my goals are to get me to that dream?

With 20 years’ experience in two different industries and now a third, I can honestly say if it wasn’t for close friends, family, and a persistent recruiter, Zak James (Genum’s founder), I would not know what I wanted from my life or career other than the, wealth and happiness.

One of my favourite quotes from the fun family movie A Knights Tale, when William Thatcher asks his father “can someone change their stars?”. John Thatcher says “Yes, if he believes enough, a man can do anything!'

We mostly commonly accept the position we have, without asking for more or taking that risk in the hopes of finding something more fulfilling or more successful. To quote one of the GREATEST SPORTS MAN we all know and love… Michael Jordan said, “we miss 100% of the shots we do not take.”

For those of you looking for a passion rather than a role, using the skills you have already acquired. My bother Richard Janes would say “passion is a product of action”.

I have had many debates with my brother on this and whilst I don’t want to say that he is right. In my action of joining Genum Recruitment and planning out where I want to be in 5-10 years, I have made a plan to get me to my dream and in doing so I have found a passion for creating opportunities for people.

If you want to ask yourself the real question…what do I want? Or even if you want to explore the options on the market. Reach out to me and the team here at Genum, we specialise in everything property related, from accounts to acquisitions, client relations to negotiators, management to C-level positions.

Let's make your dreams a reality together.​