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How to Maximise Your Experience with a Recruiter

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Lewis Goulding

How to Maximise Your Experience with a Recruiter

Navigating the job market can be an overwhelming experience, but working with a skilled recruiter can alleviate some of that stress. However, achieving success requires a commitment from both sides. Here are five essential tips to help you get the most out of your recruiter and secure your dream job.

  1. Build a Personal Connection: Remember that recruiters are humans too, with lives beyond their work. A good recruiter will make an effort to get to know you, so reciprocate that effort. By building a personal connection, you'll be surprised by the level of commitment and dedication your recruiter will show.

  2. Embrace Honesty: If you had a less-than-ideal interview, a family emergency that prevents your attendance, or any doubts or concerns, be open and honest with your recruiter. Their job is to make the process as smooth as possible for you, and the more information they have, the better equipped they are to assist you.

  3. Hold Your Recruiter Accountable: Just like any decent professional, recruiters strive for personal and professional growth. However, they are not immune to making mistakes. If you feel that something went wrong or could have been handled better, communicate your concerns to your recruiter. They will appreciate your feedback and rise to the challenge of rectifying any issues.

  4. Share Comprehensive Information: The primary goal of a recruiter is to present you as the ideal candidate to potential employers. The more your recruiter knows about you, both in terms of your professional achievements and personal attributes, the better they can highlight your strengths and make you shine in front of clients.

  5. Trust in the Process: A flourishing relationship between a recruiter and a candidate is built on trust. At Genum, we are committed to going the extra mile to help our candidates secure their desired jobs. In return, we ask for your trust. Rest assured, we will work tirelessly on your behalf and keep your best interests at heart.

By following these guidelines, you can establish a strong partnership with your recruiter, enhancing your chances of finding the perfect job. At Genum, we are dedicated to assisting candidates in their career pursuits, and we are excited to embark on this journey with you. Trust us, and together we will make your dreams a reality.​ Give us a call today on 0203 771 4148.