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Transitioning from Office Culture to Remote Work: Reflections on Building a Strong Team in a Virtual Environment

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Alex Turnbull

After nearly a decade in the property industry, working at renowned London Estate agencies and establishing Client Services and New Homes departments, Alex joined our team in a senior role as Genum took its first steps towards a more remote setup for our Fulham-based Recruitment firm.

However, this change came with its share of challenges when Alex relocated to Devon in 2022, leaving behind the hustle and bustle of the big city. It was a dramatic shift for him, and adapting to a solitary "office for one" in the countryside proved to be quite a shock to the system.

"As someone who strongly believed in the power of office culture, I was skeptical about whether a sales team could truly thrive when physically separated. Many companies had attempted remote work arrangements, only to stumble and fail. At first, I had to remind myself to take breaks, go for a stroll and keep a structured diary. But soon enough, the benefits of working from home began to reveal themselves—no more commuting, enjoying homemade lunches, and taking walks with the dogs. I then learned that maintaining regular contact with colleagues throughout the day was crucial. We abandoned email communication within our team, opting for video calls on platforms like Teams to see each other's friendly faces. It's the little things that help us maintain a positive culture at Genum, making it a company I am truly proud to work for.

Do I miss the office? Absolutely. That's why I make it a point to visit regularly. But do I enjoy working from home? The answer is also yes. However, I wouldn't trade the experiences and camaraderie built over the past ten years in the office for anything in the world."

When it comes to the topic of remote work, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. That's why, at Genum, we are delighted to offer a variety of options, including office jobs, flexible working arrangements, work-from-home opportunities, fully employed positions, and even self-employed roles. We partner with some of the best clients in the property industry.

To all potential candidates seeking their next role, I encourage you to reach out for advice on your next steps.

And to potential clients who have yet to experience the benefits of partnering with us to hire exceptional talent and create a great work environment—why not? Reach out to us and discover the difference Genum can make for your organisation.